Open your mind to the universe that is The Bots.

Rag-top down? Sirius to Margaritaville? 'Chinderwear' firmly affixed?
Then grab your gun, bring in the cat and set your watches between 4:20 and 5 o'clock, and Fins Up!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hi-Keeba and Hello! - again.

The Bots are writing a weblog. Why? Not sure. Although I, Hover-skirt, always thought the term 'blog', should be stricken from the Funk and Wagnalls and thrown adrift with words like 'aks' and 'irregardless'. The later of which is the verbal equivalent of Holy water on Marilyn Manson to my partner in this blogging crime, Bowling Pin.

And Dear Reader, it is true. We are now officially bloggers. Hopefully you will have read this far, and realized that we are kindred spirits, You and I, and someday this will all amount to a hill 'o beans in this crazy world, or a beautiful friendsh...

But I digress. So until next time,
Viva El Hefe del Gato!!! And return again to this last refuge of a Lonely Soul, seeking ....oops, sorry, wrong blog. And return again to this land of wanderlust, celluloid, tumble-fir, parrotheads, loaded 'Pooks' and tufted titmice.

Hover-skirt (& B-Pin)

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