Open your mind to the universe that is The Bots.

Rag-top down? Sirius to Margaritaville? 'Chinderwear' firmly affixed?
Then grab your gun, bring in the cat and set your watches between 4:20 and 5 o'clock, and Fins Up!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Speed Bumps

Today is Wednesday, and my scheduled day off. This is my 'down-day'. I am fortunate enough to be blessed w/ a couple of health challenges. One of which is Fibromyalgia (FM). To say that life is a highway is so cliché, but the analogy works so dang well, it's a shame to ignore it based solely on its usage.

So strap on your seat belt, and let me show you how I roll.

The expedition is a tapestry woven of freeways, roundabouts, dark alleys, dirt paths, small towns, big cities and broken pavement. We all come to different junctures: forks in the road, decisions to be made, that out-of-the way, hole-in-the-wall eatery that soothes the wandering soul and replenishes the body. Sometimes we pull over to avoid an accident, view the scenery, take on a passenger or just get out and explore. Other times, the road itself slows us. These are the potholes, the missing off ramp signs, forced detours, accident debris, falling rocks, blind corners and the occasional speed bump.

Created to slow down the ride to a safer pace, it is the speed bump that forces the journey to a momentary crawl. When you see the speed bump, you assess the size, the degree of impact, the potential for damage. Then you make your adjustments to protect the ride, or you just barrel over it, hoping you didn't miss-judge the severity of the bump, leading to throwing out your alignment or worse, dislodging something from the undercarriage!

FM is one of my speed bumps. And Wednesdays are my realignment days. I take time for me. That's right, for ME! HA HA!! I allow myself the opportunity to rest the engine, and prepare it for the rough road. By honoring both the vehicle and the bump, I ensure a smoother ride on the straightaway.

Now there are some folks that see mountains instead of molehills. (I personally have never seen a molehill, and wouldn't know one from Adam's off cat.) But, I have seen a mountain or two. Preferring to see a speed bump instead of a mountain is the awesome beauty of perspective. Take the bump slowly. Respect the bump. BE the bump. OK, you don't have to be the bump. Just keep everything grounded to the big picture.

The good news is that speed bumps don’t just slow things down; they have the marvelous ability to actually alter our view. As we approach the bump, we first look outward. As we ascend towards the crest, our eyes glance towards heaven. At the apex, our view is altered, momentarily sitting aloft from the road. Followed by our descent, our gaze is lowered, and we bow our heads in thanks for the safe passage. Then w/ eyes forward, hands at 2 and 10, we accelerate to meet the road again on equal ground.

Your tour director, Hover-skirt

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