Open your mind to the universe that is The Bots.

Rag-top down? Sirius to Margaritaville? 'Chinderwear' firmly affixed?
Then grab your gun, bring in the cat and set your watches between 4:20 and 5 o'clock, and Fins Up!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Voice overs

So why is it that whenever I am in a fairly crowded, noisy environment and have to
call a company, I get the company that uses the voice prompted VRU? This
inevitably leads to getting to the wrong place in those damn things. Then I have to
try and worm my way back to where I was supposed to be heading in the first place.
There needs to be an option at the beginning of those VRUs that will allow you to
choose the touch tone option ( I did not recognize your last response. Please try
And it IS somewhat comical when you call into one of those delivery services
and input your 3,000 digit tracking number only to listen to the machine repeat
it back to you in what seems like it takes about 5 minutes. And I have to admit
that I find myself not paying attention to the monotone voice on the other end
but instead thinking about how weird the whole damn thing sounds, and
chuckling sometimes aloud, to which you get some pretty damn funny looks.
I'm am really glad that it always seems to be a womans voice that is on those
machines, because if it was a guy, I would probably laugh even harder due to
the fact that I would relate it to Stephen Hawking and then think to myself
"what the hell is he doing making these recordings anyway? Shouldn't he
be well enough off that he doesn't have to lower himself into the hell that
is VRUs?" But then again, I saw a little blurb on some news show a few
years ago about the woman that did all those voice prompts for AT&T and
a bunch of other companies, and she was making out quite well. So maybe
it would be a super lucrative little aside for Stephen, and I should just go
ahead and shut the hell up. Besides, I would have already missed like 5
prompts by now and would be paying somebody else's car payment. So
if your car payment, or electric bill or other utility was mysteriously paid
one month, you can thank me. And I only have myself to blame for letting
the mind wander. It used to be a good mind, but as I get older, it appears
to be letting more things slip. And there went another 2 prompts.